2PAC / R U still down? (1997) CD 2枚組
2PAC / R U still down? (1997) CD
2PAC / R U still down? (1997)
2.Open Fire ft.Akshun
3.R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
4.Hellrazor ft.Stretch & Val Young
5.Thug Style
6.Where Do We Go from Here (Interlude)
7.Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto
8.Nothing to Lose ft.Y?N-Vee
9.I'm Gettin' Money
10.Lie to Kick It ft.Richie Rich
11.Fuck All Y'all
12.Let Them Thangs Go
13.Definition of a Thug Nigga
Disc 2
1.Ready 4 Whatever ft.Big Syke
2.When I Get Free
3.Hold On, Be Strong ft.Stretch
4.I'm Losin' It ft.Big Syke & Spice 1
5.Fake Ass Bitches
6.Do for Love ft.Eric Williams of Blackstreet
7.Enemies with Me ft.Dramacydal
8.Nothin' but Love ft.Dave Hollister
9.16 on Death Row
10.I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto (Hip-Hop Version) ft.Maxee
11.When I Get Free II ft.Yaki Kadafi
12.Black Starry Night (Interlude)
13.Only Fear of Death
2PAC / R U still down? (1997)
2.Open Fire ft.Akshun
3.R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
4.Hellrazor ft.Stretch & Val Young
5.Thug Style
6.Where Do We Go from Here (Interlude)
7.Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto
8.Nothing to Lose ft.Y?N-Vee
9.I'm Gettin' Money
10.Lie to Kick It ft.Richie Rich
11.Fuck All Y'all
12.Let Them Thangs Go
13.Definition of a Thug Nigga
Disc 2
1.Ready 4 Whatever ft.Big Syke
2.When I Get Free
3.Hold On, Be Strong ft.Stretch
4.I'm Losin' It ft.Big Syke & Spice 1
5.Fake Ass Bitches
6.Do for Love ft.Eric Williams of Blackstreet
7.Enemies with Me ft.Dramacydal
8.Nothin' but Love ft.Dave Hollister
9.16 on Death Row
10.I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto (Hip-Hop Version) ft.Maxee
11.When I Get Free II ft.Yaki Kadafi
12.Black Starry Night (Interlude)
13.Only Fear of Death
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