your Master emotions | | therapy and and coaching develop for cards 52 your Pack Postcard emotional Emotions of World intelligence
商品售價 |
商品狀態 | 新品、未使用 |
metaFox The World of Emotions Postcard Pack | 52 cards for coaching and therapy | Master your emotions and develop your emotional intelligence
BEAUTIFUL PICTURES PAIRED WITH POWERFUL QUESTIONS. 52 inspirational cards in one postcard box. Plus one overview card with suggestions for use. International standard postcard size - A6 format (5.8 in x 4.1 in | 10.5 cm x 14.8 cm). Front image with matte lacquer for an elegant look and feel. Made with high-quality 250g cardboard from 100% FSC certified paper sources.
A CARD DECK FOR UNDERSTANDING YOUR FEELINGS & EMOTIONS. The metaFox deep pictures World of Emotions card deck guides you on a journey of self-discovery by getting in touch with your emotions and inner experience. Pictures represent both positive and negative feelings. Questions tackle the experience and handling of emotions.
USE TO DEVELOP EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. The deep pictures World of Emotions are coaching cards combining evocative images with coaching questions. These motivational cards are useful in nonviolent communication therapy counseling coaching soft skills training discovering personal resources in seminars and further education.
GIVE AS GIFTS OR USE FOR YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Looking for friendship gifts or an engaging tool to master your emotions Give these motivational postcards as mindfulness gifts to your friends. Use these positivity cards to understand and handle your emotions better or as starters to conversations with friends and family. Send these inspirational postcards in the mail as greeting cards to loved ones far away. Hang these positivity postcards as wall decorations for bedrooms.
MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. We are proud of the metaFox deep pictures World of Emotions and we believe that they can help your professional practice or your personal development and increase your mindfulness in your daily life. This is why we offer you a money-back guarantee within 30 days of your purchase. We wish you lots of inspiration and insight with your deep pictures World of Emotions postcard set!
MetaFoxの深い画像 - 美しさ。 洞察力。 開発。
画像は強力な印象を伝えます。 質問が私たちの生活を定義します。 「metaFoxの深いイメージ」は、画像と質問をグリーティングカードや開発ツールにまとめます。 片面には美しいポストカード、もう片方にはコーチングツールがあり、会話の重要なトピックです。 1週間に1枚のカード。あなたとあなたにとって大切な人に。 英語またはドイツ語の質問があります。
★ ユニークな画像 - 52枚の異なるポストカード。美しい画像。DIN A6(14.8 x 10.5)について多くのことを語っています。
★刺激的な質問 - はがきの裏面に示唆に富む質問。
★ 高品質 - 画像を保護するマットラッカー仕上げのフロント。 250gの紙品質で高い安定性を実現。
★ 責任 - 100%FSC認定のソースからの紙。
★ 用途 - ご自宅を美しく飾り、愛する人への贈り物として、つながりを維持するために送ってください。 誕生日プレゼント、クリスマスプレゼント、ウェディングゲームとして。 あなたと大切な人に。
metaFox The World of Emotions Postcard Pack | 52 cards for coaching and therapy | Master your emotions and develop your emotional intelligence
BEAUTIFUL PICTURES PAIRED WITH POWERFUL QUESTIONS. 52 inspirational cards in one postcard box. Plus one overview card with suggestions for use. International standard postcard size - A6 format (5.8 in x 4.1 in | 10.5 cm x 14.8 cm). Front image with matte lacquer for an elegant look and feel. Made with high-quality 250g cardboard from 100% FSC certified paper sources.
A CARD DECK FOR UNDERSTANDING YOUR FEELINGS & EMOTIONS. The metaFox deep pictures World of Emotions card deck guides you on a journey of self-discovery by getting in touch with your emotions and inner experience. Pictures represent both positive and negative feelings. Questions tackle the experience and handling of emotions.
USE TO DEVELOP EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. The deep pictures World of Emotions are coaching cards combining evocative images with coaching questions. These motivational cards are useful in nonviolent communication therapy counseling coaching soft skills training discovering personal resources in seminars and further education.
GIVE AS GIFTS OR USE FOR YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Looking for friendship gifts or an engaging tool to master your emotions Give these motivational postcards as mindfulness gifts to your friends. Use these positivity cards to understand and handle your emotions better or as starters to conversations with friends and family. Send these inspirational postcards in the mail as greeting cards to loved ones far away. Hang these positivity postcards as wall decorations for bedrooms.
MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. We are proud of the metaFox deep pictures World of Emotions and we believe that they can help your professional practice or your personal development and increase your mindfulness in your daily life. This is why we offer you a money-back guarantee within 30 days of your purchase. We wish you lots of inspiration and insight with your deep pictures World of Emotions postcard set!
MetaFoxの深い画像 - 美しさ。 洞察力。 開発。
画像は強力な印象を伝えます。 質問が私たちの生活を定義します。 「metaFoxの深いイメージ」は、画像と質問をグリーティングカードや開発ツールにまとめます。 片面には美しいポストカード、もう片方にはコーチングツールがあり、会話の重要なトピックです。 1週間に1枚のカード。あなたとあなたにとって大切な人に。 英語またはドイツ語の質問があります。
★ ユニークな画像 - 52枚の異なるポストカード。美しい画像。DIN A6(14.8 x 10.5)について多くのことを語っています。
★刺激的な質問 - はがきの裏面に示唆に富む質問。
★ 高品質 - 画像を保護するマットラッカー仕上げのフロント。 250gの紙品質で高い安定性を実現。
★ 責任 - 100%FSC認定のソースからの紙。
★ 用途 - ご自宅を美しく飾り、愛する人への贈り物として、つながりを維持するために送ってください。 誕生日プレゼント、クリスマスプレゼント、ウェディングゲームとして。 あなたと大切な人に。
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