Tiki Farm ティキ ファーム スカル 骸骨 マグ Ritual Skull Mug 雑貨

Ritual Skull Mug
This Ritual Skull Mug design comes from a mystical place lost in Mesoamerican history. A place where shamans, necromancers and spiritual leaders made contact with their ancestors by drinking from a Ritual Skull mug filled with mystical potions and secret concoctions.
Unlike its distant cousin the Sugar Skull, the Ritual Skull Mug was designed and made to facilitate communication with the deceased rather than to help remember a person who has passed. Is it a smartphone? No. A radio? No. The method of communication depends entirely on what you pour into the skull to quench your thirsty soul and make contact with those in the afterlife!
The Ritual Skull Mug features a matte Scrimshaw yellow glaze with a rust colored wash and the interior is a metallic bronze. Ritual Skull Mug stands 5.25” high and holds 21 oz.
Designed By: Baron Von Genius
Manufactured By: Tiki Farm
Tiki Farmの2024年リリース品!
メソアメリカの歴史において失われた神秘的な場所にインスピレーションされた「Ritual Skull Mug」
遠い親戚ともいえるDay Of The Dead/死者の日のシュガースカルとは異なり、渇いた魂を癒し、死後の世界にいる人々とのコミュニケーションを目的とする頭蓋骨マグです。
Tiki Farmの過去のスカルマグ「Amor Eterno」,「DON KAPUNA CALAVERA」に通じる質感です。
高さ:約14 cm
This Ritual Skull Mug design comes from a mystical place lost in Mesoamerican history. A place where shamans, necromancers and spiritual leaders made contact with their ancestors by drinking from a Ritual Skull mug filled with mystical potions and secret concoctions.
Unlike its distant cousin the Sugar Skull, the Ritual Skull Mug was designed and made to facilitate communication with the deceased rather than to help remember a person who has passed. Is it a smartphone? No. A radio? No. The method of communication depends entirely on what you pour into the skull to quench your thirsty soul and make contact with those in the afterlife!
The Ritual Skull Mug features a matte Scrimshaw yellow glaze with a rust colored wash and the interior is a metallic bronze. Ritual Skull Mug stands 5.25” high and holds 21 oz.
Designed By: Baron Von Genius
Manufactured By: Tiki Farm
Tiki Farmの2024年リリース品!
メソアメリカの歴史において失われた神秘的な場所にインスピレーションされた「Ritual Skull Mug」
遠い親戚ともいえるDay Of The Dead/死者の日のシュガースカルとは異なり、渇いた魂を癒し、死後の世界にいる人々とのコミュニケーションを目的とする頭蓋骨マグです。
Tiki Farmの過去のスカルマグ「Amor Eterno」,「DON KAPUNA CALAVERA」に通じる質感です。
高さ:約14 cm
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