ラスト1点 早い者勝ち30冊STEP INTO READING 1
商品售價 |
商品狀態 | 新品、未使用 |
賣家ID | Mima ちゃんのBookStore |
賣家評價 | 180101 |
商品所在地 | 東京都 |
日本當地運費 | 送料込み(出品者負担) |
發送方式 | ゆうゆうメルカリ便 |
預計出貨時間 | 2~3日で発送 |
Step into reading level 1 - 30 books
Step into reading is the most famous reading practice system of Random House Publishing House, which has been continuously published and sold in the world market for more than 25 years.
The whole series includes 5 levels from 1-5, suitable for beginners to elementary school. The content of the series step into reading covers all areas such as Mathematics, social sciences, famous classic stories, real stories, etc.
Step into reading level 1 (the lowest level, including 30 books ): for children who are just starting to learn English.
** Notes
Due to international transport, the books may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing. Please refrain from purchasing if you are looking for perfection.
Step into reading is the most famous reading practice system of Random House Publishing House, which has been continuously published and sold in the world market for more than 25 years.
The whole series includes 5 levels from 1-5, suitable for beginners to elementary school. The content of the series step into reading covers all areas such as Mathematics, social sciences, famous classic stories, real stories, etc.
Step into reading level 1 (the lowest level, including 30 books ): for children who are just starting to learn English.
** Notes
Due to international transport, the books may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing. Please refrain from purchasing if you are looking for perfection.