洋書 Roy Allison 他 (編)『中央アジアの安全保障:新たな国際環境』
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洋書 Roy Allison & Lena Jonson (編)『中央アジアの安全保障:新たな国際環境(Central Asian Security: The New International Context)』(Brookings Institution Press)279ページ/2001年出版
編者略歴:「Roy Allison is head of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. Lena Jonson is a senior research fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.」
内容:「The authors in this study assess internal security policy problems and examine the security content of evolving relations between the Central Asian states and regional and international powers -- specifically the stakes, interests, and policies of Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and the United States. While new possibilities for regional security cooperation in Central Asia can be explored, there remains a danger of destabilizing rivalry, which would fracture the region and hamper economic development.」
サイズ:22.9 X 15.1 X 1.8 cm
※他にも本を出品しています。まとめ買い歓迎です。1品追加で150円値引きします。こちらを参照ください。→ #サーシャ_中央アジア関連
編者略歴:「Roy Allison is head of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. Lena Jonson is a senior research fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.」
内容:「The authors in this study assess internal security policy problems and examine the security content of evolving relations between the Central Asian states and regional and international powers -- specifically the stakes, interests, and policies of Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and the United States. While new possibilities for regional security cooperation in Central Asia can be explored, there remains a danger of destabilizing rivalry, which would fracture the region and hamper economic development.」
サイズ:22.9 X 15.1 X 1.8 cm
※他にも本を出品しています。まとめ買い歓迎です。1品追加で150円値引きします。こちらを参照ください。→ #サーシャ_中央アジア関連
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